Moving into a brand new home or deciding to redecorate your current living space are both exciting experiences, full of possibility and imagination. If you’re getting ready to transform your Greater Toronto Area home and make some home interior changes to fit your ideal lifestyle, CeeCee's Interiors is here to help! Not only does our full-service home interior design company provide exceptional, personalized styling and staging services, but we’re also passionate about sharing advice. Taking it from our interior designers — if you’re wanting to redecorate your home, newly bought property, or property for sale, follow our best tips below!
Ceecee's Tips For Decorating Your Home
Ceecee's Tips For Decorating Your Home

Know Your Measurements & Create a Floor Plan
First things first — you cannot create a home interior design plan without knowing specific measurements. Before you go into the trouble of making plans and buying new furniture, it’s important to have the exact specs of every single room. Our CeeCee's interior designers recommend drawing out each room, along with the measurements, on paper and creating a floor plan to brainstorm ideas. Having a tangible idea of where your home interior furniture prices and other items will be within a room makes the actual decorating process much easier.

Decide How You Want To Live
As you start creating your floor plan, now is the time to consider exactly how you want to live. In other words, our CeeCee's interior designers recommend thinking about the lifestyle and everyday habits you want to adopt, so each room is conducive to meeting those goals. Create your home interior design while you consider things like what each room will be used for and if you’ll have company over frequently. But if this step seems a bit overwhelming, contact our styling experts directly and follow the next step below.

Look For Inspiration
Now is the time to break out the home decor magazines! Our CeeCee's Interiors team recommends looking around at finished dining rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms to get an idea of what your final result will look like. This is the time to browse through all different aspects of home interior design, including possible color schemes, furniture pieces, decor items, and accent pieces. Bring any idea you have to our in-house interior designers and we can help make your dreams a reality!

Know Your Budget
Gathering ideas and inspiration on how to redecorate your home interior does have one caveat: understanding your budget. Decide ahead of time how much you’re wanting to spend on your home interior design project and which specific areas you may want to splurge on. Having a budget in mind does not mean you can’t have the home interior of your dreams — CeeCee's Interiors will get to know exactly what you’re looking for and help you find beautiful selections that won’t break the bank.
Make your redecorating dreams a reality with our experienced, personalized interior designers! View our online portfolio and contact us directly to get started!